Kristen M. Whelan

I think I was BORN an organizer! I liked things in their place even as a child and that feeling has progressed with me into adulthood. My methodology has proved successful time and time again, and my workmates and clients enjoy the relief and security that having everything in order can bring.

I have been a business consultant, and a professional and personal organizer for over 28 years. I have held a number of positions in private estate management, leadership, legal and financial operations, human resources, and small business operations. I have built a body of experience which provides a strong foundation across many platforms of knowledge. My work history has encompassed the private, non-profit and public spheres and my educational degree is Cultural Anthropology. (That’s just a fancy way of saying “I study how people live.”)

I like to incorporate the experiences I have had from traveling the world, meeting new people, and seeing how different countries, cultures, work environments, family situations, and living arrangements are successful.
Now I make these ideas, strategies, and processes work for you.

So let’s get started “Organizing the Business of Being You”!

I am not an accountant, attorney or therapist. If our work together goes beyond my scope of expertise, you will be referred out to these specialists.

Jillson Shire Consulting LLC ~ ~ 401.996.4850